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Project acronym: KaraimBIBLE ERC Starting Grant № 802645

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The publications of the Host Institution research team members (selection)

The members of the Host Institution research team (Research Centre for Language Documentaion, Institute of Linguistics and Traductology, Jagiellonian University in Kraków) are Turcologists whose main research interests lie in Turkic philology, Turkic linguistics, and religious studies. The full texts of the contributions listed below are available at the publishers' websites or at and (if agreed by the publisher).

1. Monographs


  • Zapożyczenia węgierskie w gwarze orawskiej i drogi ich przenikania [= Hungarian loanwords in the Polish dialect of Orawa with regard to the borrowing routes]. Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka. ISBN 978-83-7188-134-3.


  • Unknown Lutsk Karaim Letters in Hebrew script (19th–20th Centuries). A Critical Edition (= Studia Turcologica Cracoviensia 12). Kraków: Jagiellonian University Press. ISBN 978-83-233-3216-9.
  • Zwięzła gramatyka języka zachodniokaraimskiego z ćwiczeniami [= A concise grammar of Western Karaim with exercises] (= Prace Karaimoznawcze 1). Poznań: Katedra Studiów Azjatyckich UAM. ISBN 978-83-927990-3-0.


  • [& Jankowski, Henryk & Gulayhan Aqtay & Dorota Cegiołka & Tülay Çulha]: The Crimean Bible. Vol. 1. Critical edition of the Pentateuch, Five Scrolls, Psalms, Proverbs, Ezra and Nehemiah. Vol. 2. Translation (= Turcologica 119). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. ISBN 978-3-477-11196-6.


  • Middle Western Karaim. A critical edition and linguistic analysis of pre-19th-century Karaim interpretations of Hebrew piyyutim (= Languages of Asia 22). Leiden, Boston: Brill. ISBN 978-90-04-41937-7 [forthcoming May 2020].

2. Database


  • [& Sulimowicz, A., Abkowicz, M.]: e-Jazyszłar. Karaimskie Archiwum Cyfrowe. Tom. 2. Baza danych o rękopisach i starodrukach karaimskich w polskich zbiorach prywatnych [= e-Jazyszłar. Karaim Digital Archive. Volume 2. Database of Karaim manuscripts and old prints stored in Polish private archives]. Wrocław. [Unpaginated on-line publication:]. ISBN 978-83-938423-2-2.

3. Articles and Review Articles


  • W kwestii zapożyczeń słowiańskich w dialekcie krymskim języka karaim­skiego [= Remarks on the Slavonic loanwords in Crimean Karaim]. – Komorowska, E. & Kozicka-Borysowska, Ż. (eds.): Świat Słowian w języku i kulturze IV. Języ­koznawstwo. Szczecin: 189–194, 432–433.


  • Kilka uwag o metodologii badań hungaryzmów w języku polskim [= Some remarks on the methodology of researches on Hungarian loanwords in Polish]. – Komorow­ska, E. & Krzanowska, A. (eds.): Świat Słowian w języku i kulturze V. Języko­znawstwo. Szczecin: 156–160.
  • Some disputable Slavic etymologies in Crimean-Karaim. – Studia Etymolo­gica Craco­viensia 9: 111–118.


  • Emocjonalne określenia osób w polskiej gwarze orawskiej w świetle leksyki węgierskiej – pochodzenie a pośrednictwo [= Words describing individual with emotional emphasis added used in the Polish Oravian dialect, in comparison with the Hungarian lexicon – the question of possible mediation]. – Polonica 24–25: 329–343.
  • Remarks on the Etymology of Hung. hajdú ‘Herdsman’ and Tkc. haydamak ‘Brigand’. – Pomorska, M. & Siemieniec-Gołaś, E. (eds.): Turks And Non-Turks. Studies on the History of Linguistic and Cultural Contacts (= Studia Turcologica Cracoviensia 10, Special Issue Presented to Professor Stanisław Stachowski to His Seventy Fifth Birthday). Kraków: 297–309.


  • Sergiusz Rudkowski. – Awazymyz 14/3: 7–11.


  • Errors with and without purpose: A. Mardkowicz’s transcription of Łuck-Karaim letters in Hebrew script. – Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagelloni­cae Cracoviensis 126: 97–106.
  • Varia etymologica Slavo-Hungarica. – Studia Etymolo­gica Cracoviensia 14: 243–253.


  • North-Western and Eastern Karaim Features in a Manuscript Found in Łuck. – Mańczak-Wohlfeld, E. & Podolak, B. (eds.): Studies on the Turkic word. A Festschrift for Professor St. Stachowski on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Kraków: 75–94.
  • O wpływach polskich na język Karaimów łuckich. – LingVaria 10/2: 199–212.
  • (Rev.): Balázs, G. & Dede, É. (eds.): Európai helyesírások. Az európai helyesírások múltja, jelene és jövője. Budapest 2009. – Chruszczewski, P. & Prędota, S. (eds.): Prace Komisji Nauk Filologicznych Oddziału Polskiej Akademii Nauk we Wrocławiu. t. 2. Wrocław: 365–370.
  • (Rev.): Balázs, G. & Dede, É. (eds.): Európai nyelvművelés. Az európai nyelvi kultúra múltja, jelene és jövője. Budapest 2008. – Chruszczewski, P. & Prędota, S. (eds.): Prace Komisji Nauk Filologicznych Oddziału Polskiej Akademii Nauk we Wrocławiu. t. 2. Wrocław: 371–375.


  • A Different Look at the Lutsk Karaim Sound System (from the Second Half of the 19th century on). – Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagelloni­cae Cracoviensis 128: 69–101.
  • [& Wojciech Sowa]: Bibliography of the publications of Prof. Ralf-Peter Ritter. – Nagy, L.K. & Németh, M. & Tátrai, Sz. (eds.): Languages and Cultures in Research and Education. Kra­ków: 15–24.
  • The Hungarian and Slavonic Background of Bashkir ty̆raš ‘wasp’. – Studia Ety­molo­gica Cracoviensia 16: 93–101.
  • The Role of Borrowing Routes in Defining Loanwords as Hungarisms in Polish Dialects. – Nagy, L.K. & Németh, M. & Tátrai, Sz. (eds.): Languages and Cultures in Research and Education. Kraków: 209–218.


  • A North-Western Karaim Manuscript Found in Lutsk. A Case of Dialect Mingling? – Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagelloni­cae Cracoviensis 129: 139–161.
  • In memoriam Ralf-Peter Ritter. – Philologia Fenno-Ugrica 16–17 (2010/2011 [2012]): 173–176.
  • Przeszłość, teraźniejszość i przyszłość karaimskiej działalności kulturalnojęzykowej [= The past, present and future of the cultivation of language among Karaims]. – Machul-Telus, B. (ed.): Karaimi. Warszawa: 53–72.
  • W sprawie dyskusji nad najstarszymi zapożyczeniami węgierskimi w polszczyźnie: stpol. bantować ‘karać’ i pol. dial. bantować ‘dokuczać’ — homonimia czy polisemia? [= A contribution to the discussion on the oldest Hungarian loanwords in Polish: OPol. bantować ‘to punish’ and Pol. dial. bantować ‘to torment’ – homonyms or polysemes?] – LingVaria 2(14): 147–160.


  • Ananjasz Zajączkowski’s doctoral thesis: the original manuscript of Sufiksy imienne i czasownikowe w języku zachodniokaraimskim. – Folia Orientalia 50: 115–157.
  • Karaim Letters of Jehoszafat Kapłanowski. I. Critical Edition. – Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis 130: 237–257.
  • Karaim Letters of Jehoszafat Kapłanowski. II. Linguistic analysis. – Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis 130: 259–276.
  • Karaim Literature as a Source of Information on the Spoken Language. A Case Study of the Early 20th-Century Lutsk Karaim Dialect. – Karaite Archives 1: 113–132.
  • New Perspectives in Karaim Etymology? The Origin of Lutsk Karaim ḱemec ‘1. soldier; 2. Russian (person)’. – Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia 18: 91–103.
  • Uwagi językowe na marginesie ormiańsko-kipczackich tekstów sądowych w edycji E. Tryjarskiego (2010) [= Linguistic remarks on the Armeno-Kipchak judicial texts edited by Edwerd Tryjarski (2010)]. – Lehaha­yer 2: 251–261.


  • A historical phonology of Western Karaim. Alveolars and front labials in the south-western dialect. – Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis 131/3: 247–267.
  • A historical phonology of Western Karaim. The evolution of consonant harmony in the north-western dialect. – Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis 131/4: 353–369.
  • Adalék a csángók kun eredetelméletének kritikájához [= An addition to the critique of the theory of the Cuman origin of the Csángós]. – Nyelvtudományi Közlemények 110: 183–190.
  • An early north-western Karaim Bible translation from 1720. Part 1. The Torah. – Karaite Archives 2: 109–141.
  • Hány etimológiai megfelelője van a lengyelben a m. bánt igének? [= How many etymologic cognates does the Hung. verb bánt have in Polish?] – Magyar Nyelv 110/1: 47–55, 110/2: 160–168.
  • Remarks on the new edition of Wu ti Qing wen jian (ed. by Oliver Corff et al. 2013), or what form critical editions of lexicographical manuscripts should take. – Folia Orientalia 51: 415–420.
  • The Turkic and Eastern-European linguistic background of the etymology of Hung. tábor ‘(military) camp’. – Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 67/1: 43–74.


  • A historical morphology of Western Karaim. The -p + edi- past tense in the south-western dialect. – Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 68/2: 215–228.
  • A historical phonology of Western Karaim. The process of diversification into dialects. – Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis 132/3: 167–185.
  • A Slavonic etymology of Hung. ocsúdik ‘to come to, to awake’ and the question of the morphological adaptation of Slavonic loan verbs in Hungarian. – Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 60/1: 33–41.
  • An early North-Western Karaim Bible translation from 1720. Part 2: The Book of Ruth. – Karaite Archives 3: 49–102.
  • An early North-Western Karaim Bible translation from 1720. Part 3: A contribution to the question of the stemma codicum of the Eupatorian print from 1841. – Karaite Archives 3: 103–118.
  • Nowy słownik języka krymskokaraimskiego Gulayhan Aqtay i Henryka Jankowskiego (2015) z dyskusją nad odrębnością tego języka w klasyfikacji języków w tle [= The new Crimean Karaim dictionary of Gulayhan Aqtay and Henryk Jankowski (2015) and the discussion concerning the position of this language in the classification of the Turkic languages]. – Almanach Karaimski 4: 7–17.
  • O języku karaimskim i dziejach jego rozwoju [= On the Karaim language and the history of its development]. – Awazymyz 2 (47): 8–11; 3 (48): 20–23.


  • A Crimean Karaim handwritten translation of the Book of Ruth dating from before 1687. Another contribution to the history of Crimean Karaim and to the question of the stemma codicum of the Eupatorian printed edition of the Tanakh from 1841. – Türk Dilleri Araştırmaları 26/2 [FS H. Jankowski]: 161–226.
  • Az ocsúdik ige etimológiája szlavisztikai megközelítésben [= A Slavistic approach to the etymology of the Hung. verb ocsúdik ‘to come to, to awake’]. – Magyar Nyelv 112/3: 295–306.
  • Batı Karaycasının Lehçelere Ayrılma Süreci ve Dönemselleştirilmesi [= The process of diversification of Western Karaim into dialects and the question of its periodisation]. – Eker, S. & Şavk, Ü. Ç. (eds.): Tehlikedeki Türk Dilleri. III. Cilt 4. Disiplinlerarası Yaklaşımlar. Endangered Turkic Languages. III. Vol. 4. Interdisciplinary Approaches. Ankara, Astana: 264–276.
  • Güneybatı Karaycada /š, č/, /ž, ǯ/ ünsüzlerinin ve /ö, ü/ ünlülerinin değişimleri (18. ve 19. yüzyıllar) [= The development of South Western Karaim /š, č/, /ž, ǯ/ and /ö, ü/ in the 18th and 19th centuries]. – Eker, S. & Şavk, Ü. Ç. (eds.): Tehlikedeki Türk Dilleri. III. Cilt 4. Disiplinlerarası Yaklaşımlar. Endangered Turkic Languages.  III. Vol. 4. Interdisciplinary Approaches. Ankara, Astana: 278–291.
  • Rękopisy i druki karaimskie w polskich zbiorach prywatnych. Nowe perspektywy badań karaimoznawczych [= Karaim manuscripts and old prints in the Polish private collections. New perspectives in Karaim studies]. – Almanach Karaimski 5: 61–101.


  • An indexed bibliography of the works of Marek Stachowski (covering the years 1984–2016). – Németh, M. & Podolak, B. & Urban, M. (eds.): Essays in the history of languages and linguistics. Dedicated to Marek Stachowski on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Kraków: 31–56.
  • Is Hung. ócsárol ‘to slander, to defame’ not a Turkic loanword? A Slavonic counterproposition. – Németh, M. & Podolak, B. & Urban, M. (eds.): Essays in the history of languages and linguistics. Dedicated to Marek Stachowski on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Kraków: 433–456.
  • Professor Marek Stachowski’s evolving academic profile over the years 1984–2016. – Németh, M. & Podolak, B. & Urban, M. (eds.): Essays in the history of languages and linguistics. Dedicated to Marek Stachowski on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Kraków: 11–29.


  • An early North-Western Karaim text copied before 1700. A linguist’s contribution to the biography of Josef ha-Mashbir. – Almanach Karaimski 7: 83–98.
  • A historical phonology of Western Karaim. The process of its diversification into dialects. Part 2. Supplementary data on the absolute and relative chronology of sound changes. – Rocznik Orientalistyczny 71/2: 146–161.
  • W sprawie dyskusji nad najstarszymi zapożyczeniami węgierskimi w polszczyźnie (2): stpol. tabor ‘obóz; obóz wojskowy’. – Bubak, G. & Nagy, L.K. & Tátrai, Sz. (eds.): Polsko-węgierskie badania hungarologiczne. Studia z okazji trzydziestolecia Zakładu Filologii Węgierskiej Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Kraków: 201–215.


  • A historical morphology of Western Karaim. The -a-d- continuative present. – International Journal of Eurasian Linguistics 1/2: 268–308.

1. Monographs


  • A Bibliography of Turkic Studies in Przegląd Orientalistyczny 1948–2008. [= Turkic Studies 1]. Poznań.

  • Crimean Karaim Version of Melukhat Sha’ul. Critical Edition and Linguistic Analysis. [= Turkic Studies 5]. Poznań.

  • [co-authored with Cem Erdem, Radosław Andrzejewski]. Leksyka turecka w ćwiczeniach [= Turkish Vocabulary in Practice]. Poznań.

2. Articles


  • Crimean Karaite Translation of a Hebrew Drama Melukhat Sha’ul as an Example of Rabbinic Literature’s Influence on Literary Activity of the Crimean Karaites. – Jewish History Quarterly 244.4: 520–529.


  • The Relation between Hebrew and Turkic in Crimean Karaim Literature on the Basis of a Translation of the Hebrew Drama Melukhat Sha’ul. – Karaite Archives 1: 199–210.
  • The Question of the Existence of a Common Literary Language of the Crimean Karaites in the Nineteenth Century: Henryk Jankowski (ed.). 2013. Turkey, Kazakhstan and the Crimea. Ten years of Turkology in Poznań: 111–122.


  • Lamentations of Benyamin Turşu and Beraẖa Poyraz. Two Songs from a Crimean Karaim Mejuma. – Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 68.4: 453–465.
  • Analiza porównawcza krymskokaraimskich piosenek ludowych [= Comparative Analysis of Crimean Karaim Folk Songs]. – Almanach Karaimski 4: 33–45.


  • Some lexical and phonological features of the language of a Crimean Karaim Bible translation. – Türk Dilleri Araştırmaları 26: 227–240.
  • Młody Dawid. Postać pretendenta do tronu ukazana na tle konfliktu ze starym królem w krymskokaraimskim tłumaczeniu maskilskiego dramatu. [= Young David. The character of the pretender to the throne in the context of the conflict between himself and the old king in a Karaim translation of a maskilic drama]. – Almanach Karaimski 5: 137–146.


  • Księga Rodzaju w tłumaczeniu Biblii na południowo-zachodni dialekt języka karaimskiego. Rękopis nr JSul.III.01. – Almanach Karaimski 8: 9–33.

1. Monographs


  • A Halich Karaim translation of Hebrew biblical texts (= Turcologica 98). Wiesbaden.


In preparation

  • The Jewish culture and its literature among Karaim. The Song of Moses. [= Studia Uralo-Altaica]. Szeged.

2. Articles


  • Translation of Biblical Hebrew adjectival constructions into Halich Karaim. In: Gécseg, Zsuzsanna (ed.) Lingdok 11. Papers of Doctoral Candidates in Linguistics. Szeged: 183–198.
  • Numerals in Halich Karaim Bible texts. In: Kincses Nagy Éva & Biacsi Mónika (eds.) The Szeged Conference. Proceeding of 15th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics held on August 20-22, 2010 in Szeged. Szeged: 371–380.


  • A comparative study of two evening prayers written in Karaim. In: Demir, Nurettin & Karakoç, Birsel & Menz, Astrid (eds.) Turcology and linguistics. Éva Ágnes Csató festschrift. Ankara: 313–326.
  • Judaizmusra tért török népek [= Judaism among Turkic-speaking peoples]. In: Biacsi, Mónika & Ivanics, Mária (eds.) A török népek vallásai: Filológiai tanulmányok a török vallásos szövegek köréből. Szeged: 211–232.
  • Translational methods used for rendering special characteristics of Hebrew interrogatives in Karaim Bible translations. – Turkic Languages 18 (1/2): 207–228.


  • Debated issues in Karaim Hebrew orthography. – Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 68 (2). 183 – 197.


  • Emergence of a new written culture: the use of Hebrew script among the Krimchaks and the Karaim. – Acta Orientalia Vilnensia 13. 61–78.
  • A karaim nyelvű Gözlevei Biblia nyelvészeti tanulságai [= Linguistic properties of the Gözleve Bible written in Karaim]. – Keletkutatás 2016 (ősz): 29–52.
  • A South-Western Karaim morning prayer. – Eker, Süer & Çelik Şavk, Ülkü (eds.): Endangered Turkic Languages 4. Interdisciplinary Approaches. Ankara, Astana: 293–306.


  • A „Lovely morning prayer”: a new edition of a Karaim version. – Karaite Archives 4. 81–120.

1. Monographs


  • [co-author: Abkowicz M.]: Karaj jołłary – karaimskie drogi. Karaimi w dawnej ‎fotografii. ‎Wrocław.


  • [co-authors: Muchowski, P., Tomal, M., Witkowski, R., Yariv, A.]: The History of the Polish-‎‎Lithuanian Karaites in Documents. A critical edition of selected manuscripts in Hebrew, Latin ‎and ‎Polish. Paris‎.‎

2. Databases


  • [co-authors: Németh, M., Abkowicz, M.]: e-Jazyszłar. Karaimskie Archiwum Cyfrowe T. 2. ‎Baza ‎danych o rękopisach i starodrukach karaimskich w polskich zbiorach prywatnych. [On-‎line ‎publication:]‎
  • [‎co-authors: Abkowicz, M., Kameduła, J.]: e-Jazyszłar. Karaimskie Archiwum Cyfrowe. T. ‎‎1. ‎Karaimska baza literacko-bibliograficzna. [On-line ‎publication: ‎;]‎


  • [co-authors: Abkowicz, M. & Dubiński, A. & Németh, M.]: e-Jazyszłar. Karaimskie ‎Archiwum Cyfrowe. T. 3. Baza danych o dokumentach karaimskich w zbiorach Biblioteki ‎Wróblewskich Litewskiej Akademii Nauk w Wilnie. [On-line ‎publication: ‎]‎.


3. Articles


  • Polonya’daki özel koleksiyonlarda bulunan Karayim elyazmalarının durum ve içerikleri. In: ‎Özkan, M., ‎Doğan E. (eds): VIII. Milletlerarası Türkoloji Kongresi 30 Eylül – 04 Ekim 2013 ‎İstanbul. Bildiri kitabı. ‎Vol. 2. Istanbul: 429–438.
  • A Document on the Economic Status of the Lutsk Karaites in the Mid-19th Century. ‎– Karaite ‎Archives 2: 177–200.
  • Leon Sulimowicz (1884–1941) a życie społeczności karaimskiej w Haliczu. In: Bojko, L., ‎Dìduch, V., ‎Drabčuk, I., Kostišin, V., Pobuckij, S., Trìŝ, T. (eds): Galič ì galic’ka ‎zemlâ. ‎Materîali Mìžnarodnoï Naukovoï Konferencìï Galič, 30-31 žovtnâ 2014 roku. Halych: 390–401.‎


  • On the Karaite prayer house in Lutsk and its furnishings. In: Bareja-Starzyńska, A., Stanek K. ‎B., ‎Godzińska, M., Sulimowicz, A. A., Szpindler, M., Bojarska-Cieślik, J. (eds). Oriental Studies ‎and Arts. ‎Contributions Dedicated to Professor Tadeusz Majda on His 85th Birthday. Warszawa: ‎‎343–368‎
  • Nieznany przekład Roty na język karaimski. – Almanach Karaimski 4: 79–100.
  • Działalność społeczna i edukacyjna Koła Pań Karaimskich w Haliczu. – Almanach Karaimski 4: ‎‎101–‎‎115.
  • Karaim Settlements in Villages and Farmsteads around Lutsk. In: Godzińska, M., Çevgin Uysal, ‎A., ‎Chilmon, W. (eds). Remarks on Turkish Studies. Türklük Mülahazaları. Warsaw: 126–142.
  • Karaim manuscripts of Crimea ‎in Polish collections. – Rocznik Orientalistyczny 68/2: 169–179.
  • A Failed Attempt to Teach the Karaim ‎Language in Lutsk in the Interwar Period. – Karaite ‎Archives 3: ‎‎141–151.
  • Lutsk Karaite Manuscripts and Documents in ‎the Józef Sulimowicz Collection. – Acta ‎Orientalia ‎Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 68/2: 175–182.‎


  • ‎Inner Hierarchy in the Halicz Karaite Community. Based on a Document from the 1830s. ‎– Karaite ‎Archives 4: 129–152.‎
  • ‎A record of living Karaim folklore in 1960s Crimea. The copybooks of Yosif Kefeli. ‎– Almanach ‎Karaimski 5: 159–174.
  • ‎XIX-wieczny rękopis z polskich archiwów prywatnych zawierający dwa dokumenty ‎dotyczące ‎Karaimów trockich. – Almanach Karaimski 5: 189–205.‎
  • [co-author: Abkowicz, M.]: Nowe dane o biografii karaimskiego poety Szymona ‎Kobeckiego. ‎– Almanach Karaimski 5: 7–33.‎


  • Motyw myszy w folklorze karaimskim. – Almanach Karaimski 6: 171–198‎‎


  • Karaimi w publikacji Arkadija Tretiakowa Kupcy goroda Kieva. – Almanach Karaimski 7: 131–142.
  • The Łuck Karaites and the Social and Educational Activities of Karaite Minority in Poland in the ‎Interwar Period. – Czech-Polish Historical and Pedagogical Journal 10/2: 3–16.‎